GP Surveyors have recently won a breakthrough case on behalf of a Norfolk based GP surgery which has resulted in NHS England’s GP parking reimbursement policy being overturned.
In some areas, NHS England has been executing a policy whereby only 3 parking spaces per clinical room are included in GP surgeries rental reimbursement.
Whilst undertaking a Notional Rent review on behalf of Fleggburgh Surgery, GP Surveyors found the parking policy had been applied to the surgeries rental reimbursement. The surgery subsequently instructed GP Surveyors to challenge their assessment.
During discussions with District Valuer Services, it became apparent that they were following instructions to implement this policy from NHS England and did not have the authority to agree to a change, despite having adopted a higher number of spaces when acting for the Primary Care Trust at previous reviews. Feeling there was sufficient justification to lift the parking limits all together, Paul Conlan (GP Surveyors, Operations Director) made a dispute application to NHS Resolution.
Following NHS resolution providing NHS England with the application papers submitted by GP Surveyors, NHS England conceded the case.
After the conclusion of the surgeries Notional Rent review, Dr. Rogers, (Fleggburgh Surgery) said: “As always an excellent and professional service, producing an excellent result”.
GP Surveyors would be interested to hear from any practices that may have been affected by this parking policy. If your surgery has had the number of parking spaces reduced in your rent reimbursement, then please contact GP Surveyors.