Specialist Primary Care Surveyors
GP Surveyors is celebrating its 25th year as the UK’s leading specialist in the primary care property sector. The firm has been helping GP practices maximise their property income and protect their investments since 2000. Our highly experienced team of primary care sector experts is trusted by practices nationwide. You can rest assured we always meet the highest standards, as we are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.


Ensure your practice is being paid a fair Notional Rent compared to practices in your area.

Receive an accurate & reliable Market Valuation from our specialists and proceed with your partnership change with confidence.

Are you having issues with recruitment? Do you have partners approaching retirement? Would you like to release equity from your practice?

A range of specialist Lease services for primary care property Landlords and Tenants. Our specialist Surveyors can create Heads of Terms for a new Lease, or renew, or review a practice’s existing Lease.

We provide a specialist service for both Landlords and Tenants of leased primary care properties.
Latest News & Advice
Meet GP Surveyors new Directors
GP Surveyors is excited to announce the promotion of Rebecca Reynard and Clare Kersey, to Directors...
Celebrating 25 years of helping GP practices
This year marks a significant milestone for GP Surveyors as we celebrate our 25th year of providing ...
Sheffield Children’s Hospital Snowflakes raise £430k
GP Surveyors are proud to have helped The Children’s Hospital Charity Snowflake Appeal celebrate its...
Changes to the Notional Rent appeals time limits
GP Surveyors examine the change to Notional Rent appeals time limits in the Premises Cost Directions...
The New Premises Costs Directions 2024 have been published
The NHS (General Medical Services - Premises Costs) Directions 2024 were finally published on 9 May ...
A GP Landlords complete guide to Rent Reviews
If you are a landlord of a GP surgery, it is crucial to ascertain if the lease rent you are receivin...