Are you a Landlord or Tenant of a GP practice who needs to create, renew or review a Lease?

GP Surveyors provide a range of specialist Lease services for primary care property Landlords and Tenants. Our specialist GP property surveyors can create heads of terms for a new Lease, or renew, or review a practice’s existing Lease. Whether you are a Landlord looking to put a lease in place or a Landlord or Tenant looking to renew or review a practice Lease, we can help you.
Lease Creation
GP Surveyors provide a Lease Creation service for landlords of primary care properties. Our service will ensure that the Landlord is receiving the correct level of market rent for their practice and the Lease is NHS-approved, passing the NHS value-for-money considerations. This will protect the Tenant’s reimbursement position and right to receive NHS rental reimbursement for the duration of the Lease. Which in turn secures the Landlord’s rental position and investment.
Our Lease Creation service begins with a full survey of the property undertaken by one of our specialist primary care Surveyors. We will then draft the heads of terms for the Lease and work with the Landlord and their Solicitor to serve any necessary notices. The heads of terms will include appropriate Lease terms and a rental figure, derived from the facts collected on-site and GP Surveyors’ extensive database of rental evidence.
GP Surveyors will then contact the Tenant’s representative to negotiate the terms of the Lease and the level of rent. Once the terms and rent are finalised, we will assist the Landlord in obtaining any necessary NHS approvals. GP Surveyors will manage the entire process from start to finish and provide regular progress updates throughout the case.
Lease Renewal
GP Surveyors provide a Lease Renewal service to Landlords or Tenants. When a practice’s Lease expires our service will ensure that the renewed Lease contains market-acceptable terms and is fit for purpose.
Our specialist Surveyors will undertake a detailed inspection of the practice property and research our comparable rental evidence to ensure the practices’ rent negotiations begin at an appropriate level. We will negotiate with all third parties to ensure terms and rent are agreed upon by the Landlord and Tenant. Finally, we will work with the Solicitors through to completion of the new lease.
Lease Review
GP Surveyors provide a Lease Review service to Landlords or Tenants on a consultancy basis. Our service will ensure that your surgery Lease is market-acceptable and will obtain NHS / District Valuer approval.
One of our specialist healthcare Surveyors will review the Lease and provide detailed feedback. We will identify which terms are market-acceptable, which will cause issues with market value and or obtaining NHS / District Valuer approval and recommend alterations to overcome these issues.
Why choose GP Surveyors
GP Surveyors are the UK’s leading Chartered Surveyors specialising in GP practices. Founded in 2020 we are proud of our unrivalled experience and expertise in primary care property Leases. Representing a portfolio of over 3,400 GP practices nationwide, our database of comparable evidence for rent reviews and valuations is unparalleled in the UK.
*Mandatory fields