Want to know what your GP surgery is worth?

Market Valuation

There are many reasons why a valuation of your GP premises may be required; if there is a partnership change, acquisition or disposal, accountancy or tax purpose, you’re setting up a new lease, or raising finance, it is stipulated in the Practice Agreement or you simply want to understand the current value of your property.

We recognise that having an investment in a GP practice is a long-term financial commitment and it is imperative that you have an accurate understanding of the current value of your medical premises.

Valuing primary care premises is a specialist area of the property market. Our Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Registered Valuers will conduct a ‘Red Book’ RICS valuation, of your surgery. Our valuations adopt a Market Approach combined with an Investment Approach and this has proven to accord with RICS best practice.

Our valuers will use their vast experience of working nationally to draw upon the wealth of comparable evidence that we hold to ascertain the value of your GP surgery. We will provide you with a full written report, which will detail the value that we have arrived at and the reasons why we believe this to be accurate.

GP Surveyors have unfortunately been involved in partnership valuation disputes and arbitrations where the method of valuation has been tested. These cases are a perfect example of the importance of instructing specialist surveyors when valuing primary care property and obtaining an accurate and reliable value of your GP Surgery.


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