Are you a GP Tenant? Has your rent increased or are you suffering a shortfall?

GP Surveyors can ensure that GP Tenants are paying appropriate rent to Landlords, whilst receiving the corresponding rent reimbursement from the NHS and thus avoiding shortfalls.
The GP Surveyors team manage the whole Tenant Rent Review process from start to finish. We will provide regular progress updates and are always available to answer any client queries. GP Tenants are in safe hands with GP Surveyors highly experienced RICS-registered Surveyors.
Our specialist Tenant Rent Review service begins with a comprehensive analysis of the practice’s Lease, followed by a detailed survey of the surgery premises. Comparable rental data is then sourced from GP Surveyors’ extensive database to conduct a detailed evaluation of the rent. The Actual (Leased) Rent and, where appropriate, the NHS Rent Reimbursement are then assessed against this comparable evidence.
The next step is for GP Surveyors to enter negotiations with the Landlord’s representative and to provisionally agree upon a revised Actual (Leased) Rent. GP Surveyors then facilitate the drafting and signing of a memorandum between the GP practice and the Landlord.
We then open negotiations with the NHS representatives to agree upon the level of NHS rental reimbursement. GP Surveyors will ensure as far as possible, that the practice’s Actual (Leased) Rent and NHS Rental Reimbursement correspond, to avoid shortfalls for the practice tenant.
Once an agreement is reached between the Landlord and Tenant’s representatives, and the NHS’s representative, GP Surveyors coordinate the signing of a revised memorandum between the GP practice and the Landlord to confirm the final Actual (Leased) Rent.
Why choose GP Surveyors to undertake a Tenant Rent Review
GP Surveyors are the leading Chartered Surveyors firm in the UK, specialising in GP practices. With more than two decades in the business, our 25-year history speaks of our unrivalled experience and expertise of GP Tenant Rent Reviews. Representing a portfolio of over 3,400 GP practices nationwide, our database of comparable evidence for GP surgery valuations and rent reviews is unparalleled in the UK.
*Mandatory fields