Is your Notional Rent Review due? Check your practices figure for free

Notional Rent Review

Notional Rent should be paid to the GP Partners for the provision of primary care services from the premises. A practice’s Notional Rent review should be carried out every three years, normally by the District Valuer (DV) on behalf of the NHS.  If a GP practice’s review is overdue, they should ask the NHS to issue the practice’s CMR1 forms.

It is important that practices obtain specialist, independent advice to double-check the DVs opinion of a practice’s Notional Rent (Current Market Rent) reimbursement income.

Despite what some NHS notification letters may state, GP Contractors have a period of 3 years to dispute any aspect of their GP Contract including the Notional Rent. GP Surveyors have successfully overturned the three-month timescale that some NHS area teams have sought to impose.

GP Surveyors will conduct an onsite inspection and draw upon our unrivalled database of local, relevant, comparable evidence to identify if an appeal is justified. Our experienced RICS Surveyors will then negotiate your Notional Rent reimbursement with the District Valuer to optimise your surgery income. If an uplift in Notional Rent is secured, this is also likely to increase the capital value of the surgery.

GP Surveyors have UK-wide coverage and are the sector leaders representing over 400 GP contractors a year. With 22 years of primary care sector experience, GP Surveyors have a long-term proven track record of boosting practice’s income. We pride ourselves on a client-centric approach and you will benefit from our established relationships with the relevant local NHS staff and District Valuers. We operate a success-based fee structure (no win = no fee) where our fee is calculated from the increase generated from the assessment within the NHS Notional Rent notification letter.

See a selection of our Notional Rent client’s feedback below, for further reviews visit or see our testimonials section.


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