GP Surveyors recently undertook a retrospective Notional Rent review for Summer Hill Surgery in Northern Ireland. Following GP Surveyors’ negotiations, an increase in Notional Rent reimbursement (above the figure calculated by the District Valuer) of 27% was agreed for the surgery’s 2007 review. Read our Summerhill Surgery case study to find out more.
“This amounted to a total increase of £30,600 over the three-year Notional Rent period which will have been paid out retrospectively to the practice as a lump sum,” says Paul Conlan – Managing Surveyor at GP Surveyors. “This is a huge increase in income for the practice. We are pleased that Summer Hill Surgery has finally received a fair Notional Rent which was comparable with the reimbursement of similar surgeries in 2007.”
Summer Hill Surgery were very pleased by the end result: “Surprised is an understatement!” commented Damian Fearon – Practice Manager at the surgery. “We were astonished and delighted!
“As a one off payment it is a significant windfall for the owners. Furthermore, it now places a realistic capital value on the premises, and offers a significant increase in rent over mortgage surplus moving forward.”
The process of achieving this result wasn’t straightforward. Paul Conlan explains: “We were met with much more resistance to Notional Rent appeals in Northern Ireland than in other areas of the UK. We had to demonstrate patience and persistence over a prolonged period of time and had to raise legal disputes in order to get the results that we knew were reasonable for our client.
Damian explains why the practice chose to use GP Surveyors to negotiate their Notional Rent: “We spoke to GP Surveyors who assured us that if there was no increase, then they charged no fee. So there was nothing for us to lose. Also, we knew that we didn’t have the time or expertise to appeal the rent ourselves.”
Both Paul and Damian agree that other surgeries in Northern Ireland should seek a second opinion on their Notional Rent immediately. Damian says: “We are extremely satisfied with the service, and would recommend it to all Practices in N.I.”
Paul concludes: “It is clear from our work with Summer Hill Surgery (and some other surgeries in the area) that there could be other practices in Northern Ireland that are underfunded. Practices should therefore contact GP Surveyors for a free Notional Rent assessment. We can then check your reimbursement and progress negotiations with the District Valuer if we believe that you are undervalued in comparison with others.”
We hope you found our Summerhill Surgery case study to be a useful read. To book a review of your Notional Rent please contact us today and we will be happy to help.