Celebrating 25 years of helping GP practices

GP Surveyors 25 Years

This year marks a significant milestone for GP Surveyors as we celebrate our 25th year of providing specialist GP property solutions to GP practices. To commemorate this special year, we are delighted to offer all practices, complimentary access to our expert property advice.

Since GP Surveyors was founded in 2000, the company have grown from a team of two surveyors, Chris Johnson, and Andrew O’Dowd to a dedicated team of 16, serving 3,400 practices across the UK. We have thoroughly enjoyed the past 24 years of helping GP practices with their property needs and hope that the initiatives mentioned below will prove to be valuable resources for practices. It has been a pleasure meeting and working with so many GP Partners and Practice Managers, and we look forward to continuing our journey with many more in the coming years.

GP Property Webinars

Free GP Property Webinars

Throughout our 25th year, our team of specialist primary care surveyors and business development experts will be hosting a series of property webinars. Our GP property webinars will cover a wide range of pertinent issues and are specifically designed for GP Partners and Practice Managers. Each webinar will address key topics in primary care property and ample time will be allocated for Q&A sessions to address the unique situations faced by practices.

Join our experts throughout the year for engaging and informative discussions on topics such as planning for partnership changes, primary care leases, Notional Rent, and more. In addition to our own webinars, we will be collaborating with various Local Medical Committees (LMCs) and other industry specialists to bring you the best primary care property webinars.

See our current webinars and reserve your spot. Additional webinars will be available throughout the year.

GP Property Consultation

Free Consultations  

Our team of GP property experts is available to provide practices with one-on-one bespoke advice at a time that suits you. Whether you need to discuss an upcoming partnership change, your practice lease, Notional Rent, pharmacy, or any other primary care property-related matter, we are here to help. Simply let us know your topic of interest, book a date and time, and one of our team members will call you to share their primary care sector knowledge and answer all your questions.

Secure your consultation slot today.

GP Property and Retirement Guide

Free GP Property & Retirement Guide

With an increasing number of partners retiring or planning to retire, many practices will undergo partnership changes in the coming year. To assist with these transitions and succession planning, GP Surveyors have developed a comprehensive GP property and retirement guide for partners and Practice Managers. This guide helps practices navigate their property options based on their specific circumstances and discover available solutions and benefits. Whether your practice is facing an imminent partnership change or planning for the future, it is wise to be informed about the choices available regarding GP property.

Download your GP property and retirement guide.